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Small cooperation put down attitude and respect
Big cooperation put aside interests and balancing
A lifetime of cooperation put down the character, each other's achievements
Any cooperation is based on long-term vision and trust
Small cooperation put down attitude and respect
Big cooperation put aside interests and balancing
A lifetime of cooperation put down the character, each other's achievements
Any cooperation is based on long-term vision and trust
Aviation Equipment Marine Equipment General industrial equipment
Aviation Equipment
Date:2023-04-12 Views:
1. Product Type
(1) The import of European, American and Russian aviation equipment, including: equipment, accessories, instruments, consumables, etc
(2) Import of testing equipment and instruments
(3) Import of ground equipment and accessories
(4) Return of aviation equipment to the factory for maintenance
2. Main Models
(1) Boeing, Airbus, Bombardier
(2) Mi series helicopters, Ka series helicopters, Ilyshin series aircraft
3. Some Products
(1) НР-3ВМА-Т     Насос-регулятор/ Fuel regulating pump
(2) СВ-78А         Стартер Воздушный/ Air starter 
(3) УС-350          Указатель Скорости/ Airspeed indicator 
(4) 8АТ-2710-00     Лопасть несущего винта/ Main blade 
(5) 246-3925-00      Лопасти рулевого винта/ Tail blade 
(6) АГБ-3К          Авиагоризонт/ level flight indicator 
(7) 8-1930-000       Втулка несущего винта/ Rotor pulp cereal 
(8) 0780299480-01    Вал гибкий внешний/ Flexible shaft 
(9) БУ-32           Блок управления/ Tail rotor control console 
(10) ДСЛ-40Т        Датчик сигнализации льда/ Icing signal sensor
(11) СКНА-22-2А     Агрегат зажигания/ Engine ignition device
(12) ИТЭ-1ТС        Индикатор тахометра/ Rotor tachometer
(13) 2ВМ            Выключатель/ FLT control